Cooperation OGD D-A-CH-LI is part of the Open Government Data Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Liechtenstein cooperation.
There is a lively German-speaking open government data movement. There are now numerous programs, initiatives and projects on open administrative data in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Central open data portals and apps competitions have been created and implemented by the respective heads of administration, usually together with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other interest groups. The experts engage in a close exchange of experience on the data ecosystem in the D-A-CH-LI region.
Conference series OGD D-A-CH-LI
The OGD-D-A-CH-LI conference series was created to promote the exchange between German-speaking stakeholders regarding open data. As a multi-part series of events, the conference forms the nucleus for closer cooperation between German-speaking countries on open government data. The series sees itself as a platform for the exchange of experiences between the stakeholder groups of administration, citizens, Economic Affairs Division and science in the D-A-CH-LI region.
You can find out more about the conference series on the Austrian Open Data Portal